Archives for 2015

Questions to Ask Before Enrolling in a Makeup School

Written by Benefits of Education, a blog about education 


Before you start your career in the competitive field of professional makeup, it’s important to get a quality education. There are many different makeup schools in the United States, which can sometimes make it difficult for students to make a choice. Here are three things to consider when selecting a makeup school:

Licensing: It’s important that you enroll in a makeup school that is licensed by an accrediting body. For example, the Cosmix School of Makeup Artistry is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges and licensed by the Florida Department of Education. This means that multiple organization have affirmed that the school follows legal guidelines and meets or exceeds industry standards for the quality of education offers.

Quality of Instructors: The quality of the education that students receive at schools for makeup artistry is directly related to the experience and skills of their instructors. In looking for a makeup school, you want to make sure you are taking classes from teachers who are not only adept at giving instruction to student but who also have experience working in the industry and can share the lessons they’ve learned with their students.

In-Depth Classes in Specific Subjects: There’s a good chance that you are attending a makeup school because you have a specific career goal in mind. For this reason, it’s important that you make sure that the school you attend has specific classes geared toward your career path. For example, if you want to work in horror and sci-fi films, you will want to make sure that you attend a special effects makeup artist school with an emphasis on film and TV makeup.

The Cosmix School of Makeup Artistry is the only licensed and accredited makeup school in South Florida. Students take make up classes to prepare them for careers in retail, photography and special effects makeup.

Guarantee Your Future with a Job in IT

Written by Brand College

brand college2

Did you lose your job during the recession? Are you still trying to find one? Or, like countless people throughout the country, are you underemployed, meaning you have a job, but it just isn’t paying enough? These are scary situations for anyone to deal with. No one likes not being able to pay their bills or provide for their loved ones. Fortunately, you can change all that starting today with a job in IT.

To get into this field, you’ll obviously need a degree, but you can begin taking computer classes in Glendale and start making up for lost time immediately. There’s also computer training in Pasadena, if that’s more convenient for you. Whatever you decide on, make the right choice by going with Brand College. They have an office located at 529 Hahn Ave. Suite 101, Glendale, CA 91203-1052 where you can visit for more information.

IT has become the hottest industry out there, because every other industry depends on it. Whether it’s stocks, medicine, construction, television, education, sports or anything else, you’ll find IT professionals behind the scenes making sure everything works correctly.

So take a step toward a more financially secure future by getting your IT degree today. You’ll enjoy a healthy income for the rest of your life and finally get back to resting easy at night.


Are you hoping to take a plus training Los Angeles? If so, you can do much better than entrusting Brand College with your needs. Their reputation and staff speak for themselves.

Factors to Consider for a Teenage Boot Camp Program

Written by Wood Creek Academy


When looking for residential or therapeutic wilderness programs, there are various factors to look out for. These factors might help in coming up with a decision on the best program to go for.


Since the teenage will be mostly in contact with the staff working at the camp, it is crucial that you found out about their training and their past experience. Information regarding the camp’s employees needs to be readily available from their website or through a hotline.

Therapeutic Environment

An environment conducive to getting better is important for any therapeutic boarding school. The ideal environment would need to be a calm and healthy one, such as a school located in the wild. This might help the teenage to overcome issues and to address them directly.

Imparting Skills

The principle aim of boot camps is to impart teenage with adequate skills to help them once they step outside back to their normal life. Programs that teach communication skills, family values and personal growth through positive discipline are especially beneficial.

Parental Involvement

Parents would seek to know about the progress of their child and a good residential program would be one that allows them to learn about the courses taught to their child and the outcome. Involving the parents also ensures that the program would be enforced after the boarding period is over.

Wood Creek Academy is a special boot camp for teenagers located in a peaceful environment and offering programs for troubled youth enabling them to acquire life skills.

Three Things You Didn’t Know About Fashion Makeup Artistry

Written by Cosmix School of Makeup Artistry


Through you knew everything about fashion makeup artistry? Think again. There’s a lot more to this exciting career than learning how to do makeup for runway shows and print fashion shoots. Here are three facts that might surprise you about fashion makeup artistry.

You get to learn airbrush tanning. Corrective makeup in the fashion world goes beyond concealers and cover-up. Makeup artists in this competitive field must also know how to apply an airbrush tan. Airbrush tanning is an essential skill in the fashion industry not only because of how often it is required, but also because it is not easy to do. An airbrush tan gone wrong can cost a lot of time and money.

You get to learn hairstyling for production makeup artists. A successful makeup artist in the fashion industry knows how to do more than makeup. The very best also know how to do hair. In fact, photographers are often in search of a makeup artist who can do both. It saves them time and money. Hairstyling will set you apart from the rest and might even help land your dream job.

You get to learn body art. Body art is everywhere these days. In addition to makeup and hairstyling, fashion makeup artists also become skilled body painters. A makeup artist who knows how to apply body paint can use their skills for TV commercials, print advertising, film, and special events. Body art also includes learning contouring, super heroes, and tribal art.

Cosmix Inc. is a leading makeup artistry school located in South Florida. The school offers makeup training in fashion, beauty, and special effects makeup.

When Mexico Owned San Diego

By Phin Upham

Mexico declared itself officially independent from Spain in 1821, claiming Alta California and the city known as San Diego for itself. A large fort that stood on Presidio Hill was slowly abandoned as more people began settling on the flatland below.

The Mexican government secularized the mission in 1834, and the land around it was sold to wealthier citizens who planned to settle in the area. Although San Diego’s launch was less than stellar, it lost citizens throughout its first eight years, the town elected a magistrate named Juan Maria Osuna and formed a pueblo. Although that status was revoked in 1838.


San Diego’s slow growth was partially related to a lack of business there. Ranchos and agriculture were the largest drivers of employment, but the work could only sustain a certain population. When the US went to war with Mexico, one of the disputed territories was San Diego and it was easily captured because it was so desolate. San Diego would play a pivotal role in that conflict, acting as a staging area for both Mexican and American troops as the territory changed hands.

At one point, wealthy Mexicans withdrew their cattle en masse to starve the Americans. There were daily fights, and sniper fire was a regular occurrence. Things calmed down after the war, and the US was granted the territory that included San Diego during as a direct result of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Though the Mexican side fought hard to include San Diego in its side of the negotiations, American business interests eventually won out and the border line was drawn one league south of San Diego Bay.

About the Author: Phin Upham is an investor at a family office/ hedgefund, where he focuses on special situation illiquid investing. Before this position, Phin Upham was working at Morgan Stanley in the Media & Technology group. You may contact Phin on his Phin Upham website or Facebook page.

Helping A Teenager Academically

Written by Wood Creek Academy

The most challenging parenting years are certainly during the teenage period of your children. Teenagers go through so much changes throughout their adolescence. Some of these changes are shifts in peers, social connections, academic pressures and after-school activities. These changes are hard to keep up with. From the parents’ side there are several actionable strategies that may be undertaken to help teenagers cope with academic difficulties.


Guided Conversations

Parents could firstly engage in guided communication with the teenagers to help them voice out any academic concerns. Parents might also keep themselves informed on their teenager’s life by researching information on any issue their children might have. When engaging into guided conversations, the topics covered would need to be objective in order to encourage truthful responses from the part of the teenager. Parents would also need to engage in active listening in order to show empathy to their children and to provide them with the right advice. Active listening would also show the teenager that they have a friendly ear to whom they are speak out and confide into.

Out Of Home Placement

In certain situations, out of home placement solutions might be effective in solving troubled teenage issues. A juvenile boot camp might help teenagers gain some life skills as well as sharing their issues with professionals and other troubled teenages. Boot camp for teenagers provide targeted programs to help teens veer back on the right path.

Wood Creek Academy offers programs for troubled youth that would help them acquire life skills and bring changes to their lives by adopting a more positive attitude.