Teaching a Child to Read: The Best Method

The pendulum continues to swing when deciding the very best method to teach young children to read. Throughout history, man has presented different ideas of how to teach reading. While there are surely many diverse reading methods available two main reading camps are familiar to most all reading educators.

Many people are familiar with teaching the reading process through phonics. Phonics is a reading method where children recognize letters and the relationship between the letters and sounds in the given language. Children use phonics as a system of rules and relationships for deciphering the written language. While this method has been tried and true, it has not worked well for all students. Another approach is often termed “Whole Language.”

Whole Language is reading approach taught from a holistic view. Students are immersed in the entire language, draw conclusions, memorize, and recognize words and letters to make a system that works for them. There tends to be more criticism with this type of reading system. Yet is works wonders for some new readers.

Teaching a child to read requires time, individualization and an open mind in order to make both the reader and educator successful. Both methods require students to work, study, and learn a systematic approach to reading. The arguments will continue to rage on as to the best method for teaching reading. One thing both sides will agree upon is that reading opens doors for dreams to come true and lives to change regardless of how they get there.