Relocating with school-age kids

Written by The Steele Group Sotheby’s International Realty

Relocating with school age kids can be a wonderful experience for you and your family. For younger children, coping with the new change might be a challenge as well as an exciting event. Your children’s adjustment to the new location would depend on several factors such as whether they had any particular attachment to the previous location, their schoolmates and their teachers.


Generally, for many children, this experience might turn out to be a positive one as it would enable them to travel and see new surroundings. Relocating would also give them the opportunity to make new friends and to adopt new hobbies and interests. The child’s social confidence could also improve with the new social interactions. The parents’ role in this move would be to keep a positive attitude by reassuring the children.

For school-age kids, one of the major concerns that they would have will be about fitting in with new friends, new teachers and a change in academic needs. School-age children would find the adjustment easier if they are accompanied by another sibling in the same school. The sibling would be a familiar face in a brand new environment, making the adjustment smoother.

The state of Virginia’s educational system ranks among the best in the U.S according to a National Assessment carried out by the Department of Education. Should you wish to relocate to Richmond, you might look for a Richmond realtor to find homes for sale in Richmond Virginia. You might also look for deals on Chesterfield county real estate.